The study gave 5,541 U.S. singles a list of 17 undesirable personality traits and tasked them with deciding which would be dealbreakers in a long-term partner. The study found that men were most commonly bothered by a disheveled, unclean appearance, causing 63 percent of them to mark the trait as a dealbreaker. Women were just as turned off by an unkempt appearance, with 71 percent of them saying it would be a dealbreaker. The runner-up dealbreaker for men was laziness, with 60 percent of men saying that laziness would be enough to cause the relationship to come to an end. The two dealbreakers are somewhat tied together—a person with a disheveled appearance is often lazy, and vice versa. Women also found these two attributes to be extremely unattractive, and ranked them as their top two dealbreakers as well.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb The consensus between genders seems to be that we all want our partners to take enough pride in themselves to take care of themselves. An unkempt, messy appearance highlights neglect and a lack of self-esteem, which is a general turn-off. If you’re guilty of heading out to a date in sweatpants with unwashed hair, you may want to clean up your act and show your potential partner that you care. And for more common dealbreakers, Two-Thirds of People Say This Is a Dating Dealbreaker.

A Messy Appearance Is the Biggest Dealbreaker for Men  Study Says - 75