READ THIS NEXT: Not Doing This Before Bed Could Be Hurting Your Heart, Experts Warn. Research shows that men’s sexual health is directly linked to their heart health, thanks to common underlying factors. Having low testosterone, being stressed, and having more abdominal fat are all contributing factors in both sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb In fact, one expert from Johns Hopkins Medicine writes that certain forms of sexual dysfunction are considered “the canary in the coal mine” among medical professionals. “Sexual problems often foretell heart problems,” they explain. READ THIS NEXT: If You Feel This in Your Feet, Your Heart Attack Risk Skyrockets.

One form of sexual dysfunction in particular can predict future heart trouble: erectile dysfunction (ED). According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, having ED in your 40s has been linked with an 80 percent increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease within 10 years—even absent other risk factors. Though many men dismiss this issue as a normal part of aging, experts say experiencing ongoing ED almost always indicates an underlying medical problem. “A key reason erectile dysfunction is considered a barometer for overall cardiovascular health is that the penis, like the heart, is a vascular organ,” the site explains. “Because its arteries are much smaller than the heart’s, arterial damage shows up there first—often years ahead of heart disease symptoms.” In fact, other experts say that ED is among the leading risk factors for heart disease. “Having ED is as much a risk factor for heart disease as a history of smoking or a family history of coronary artery disease,” the Cleveland Clinic warns. Men may overlook erectile dysfunction when their symptoms don’t align with their understanding of the condition. “A lot of people think erectile dysfunction is the inability to get an erection at all, but an early sign of the condition is not being able to maintain an erection long enough to have satisfactory sexual intercourse,” the Johns Hopkins expert says. Being unable to achieve an erection less than 20 percent of the time is considered normal, and is not cause for medical concern. However, if it happens half the time or more, there is likely a physical or psychological problem, the Cleveland Clinic explains. For more health news sent directly to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. The good news? Your doctor can help you treat the causes of erectile dysfunction. “Treating the underlying medical condition leads to lowering of atherosclerotic plaques hence improving blood flow. Therefore, even though men with erectile dysfunction may not have any obvious heart problem, they should be screened for heart disease—especially before starting treatment of erectile dysfunction,” Sumir Sahgal, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Essen Health Care tells Best Life. Your doctor will most likely begin any ED workup by addressing heart disease risk factors, including pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, or concerns about your weight. They may also wish to screen for kidney disease, prostate cancer, and neurological diseases—all of which can cause ED—before making their recommendations. However, you can make many simple changes today, even before your next appointment. “Any lifestyle change that improves heart health improves penis health, too,” says the Mayo Clinic. “Increase your physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, and drink alcohol only in moderation—or not at all,” they suggest. Speak with your doctor to discuss interventions and treatments that could be right for you. READ THIS NEXT: Drinking Any of This Popular Beverage Hurts Your Heart, New Study Finds.