On Sunday, she finally put up the first adorable photo of their second bundle of joy, and revealed his name: Miles Theodore Stephens. Teigen is infamous for drawing back the curtain on her seemingly perfect life and reminding people that even though she’s a supermodel, she’s also still a human woman. And as magical as the process of being pregnant and giving birth is, parts of it are kind of gross. Case in point: giving birth to Miles was a lot easier on her body. Which inspired other women to share their own stories about the miracle of birth.

And in case your imagination can’t do the work for you, she then shared a helpful visual of the disposable medical mesh underwear that she had to wear after being discharged from the hospital. All women have to wear these super-sexy panties, since postpartum bleeding can continue for days, but it’s been a well-kept secret between women until now.  In the end, though, it’s all worth it for the result. For more on this beloved Hollywood couple, check out John Legend’s Top Secret to a Happy Marriage. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to sign up for our FREE daily newsletter!