Read the original article on Best Life. While he and Trump have frequently butted heads regarding how to handle the pandemic, Fauci maintains that politics should not get in the way of doing what’s best for the health of the country. “I stay in my lane. I’m not a politician. I do public health things,” he told Reuters on Nov. 12. And to see where things stand right now in the U.S., check out These 22 States Are Starting to Lock Down Again. In addition to staying in his lane, Fauci also explained that making a job change at such a crucial time of the pandemic would be a huge mistake. “There’s absolutely no reason and no sense at all for me to stop doing something in the middle of a pandemic that is playing a major role in helping us get out of the pandemic,” he told Reuters. And to learn more about the current spread of coronavirus, check out Here’s Who Will Cause a COVID Surge This Month, Experts Say.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb As for the advice he’d offer Biden and his COVID task force, Fauci told Reuters that they should take “exactly the same” safety measures he’s been recommending all along, such as social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and wearing a mask. “Public health principles don’t change from one month to another or from one administration to another,” he said. And for more regular updates on COVID and Dr. Fauci, sign up for our daily newsletter. Earlier this week, Fauci publicly expressed that he is confident a vaccine is right around the corner, NPR reported. “The vaccine is on its way, folks, so hang in there, hang tough. We’re going to get over this together,” he said during a Nov. 10 video address to a crowd outside Brooklyn Borough Hall, where he was being recognized as a public health hero by his home borough. Some Americans may even have access to the vaccine as soon as next month, he said. On Nov. 9, Pfizer announced the promising results of its clinical trials, which found its vaccine to be more than 90 percent effective. And if you’re trying to steer clear of the virus before the vaccine becomes available, here are The 4 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID During the Current Wave.