1 Parking Lot Drama
The two middle-aged men were in the parking lot of a Gap store in Brisbane, Australia, where the incident happened. The man who was parked was driving a Nissan SUV, while the man who was blocking him in was driving a BMW. When the Nissan driver asked the other man to move his car, things got ugly. Keep reading to learn more and see the video. 2 Stuck In Traffic ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb The Nissan driver, tired of being trapped in the parking spot, got out of his car and went over to speak to the BMW driver. The BMW was also stuck in traffic in the lot. Whatever the Nissan driver said raised the man’s blood pressure—he swore at the man and then jumped out of his BMW to confront him.  3 Wrestling Twins
The two men look strikingly similar, both sporting gray hair, sunglasses, and denim jeans/shorts. Video footage shows them confronting each other on the tarmac after the BMW driver got out of his car, yelling at each other before wrestling and trading blows. At one point, the Nissan driver’s sunglasses went flying off. 4 Bizarre Response
The BMW driver had the Nissan driver pinned to the floor and was yelling at him and pointing in his face. After telling him off for a few seconds, the BMW man helps him back up and gives him his sunglasses back. He then returns to his car as if nothing had happened. 5 What Just Happened?
The Nissan driver looks understandably confused and stunned at what happened and appears to be taking note of the BMW license plate—possibly to report the incident. Queensland police say they were not aware of the brawl (although the video footage doesn’t leave much room for interpretation). Traffic finally started moving after the incident, and the BMW drove away.