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153 Unpopular Opinions to Stir Things Up

Skim through the list with friends to find out where you agree—and where you don’t. And never hesitate to give your honest opinion, unpopular or not.

Funny Unpopular Opinions

Simple Yet Divisive Opinions

Controversial Opinions on Food

Unpopular Opinions About Life

Unpopular Opinions From Reddit

For more unpopular opinions like this, be sure to check out the following thread.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

Controversial Topics You Might Want to Avoid

Whether you’re gearing up to meet someone new or prepping for a holiday encounter, there are certain topics that are best to avoid. You can find a few listed below.

Climate Change Marriage Equality Capital Punishment Marijuana Legalization Abortion Vaccines Universal Healthcare Cancel Culture Black Lives Matter Student Debt Forgiveness Electoral College The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict The Trump Presidency Evolution Immigration Reform Artificial Intelligence Transgender Rights Free-Market Capitalism Gun Control The Federal Minimum Wage White Supremacy The Opioid Crisis Affirmative Action Police Brutality Reparations Nuclear Energy Censorship and Freedom of Speech Atheism

What’s Another Way to Say “Unpopular Opinion”?

While most of us are familiar with the phrase, there are other—and perhaps more colloquial—ways to introduce unpopular opinions. We’ve listed a few alternatives below.

Controversial Opinion Obnoxious Opinion Hot Take Unpopular Belief Rare Opinion Unpopular View Sensational Reaction

Wrapping Up

That’s it for unpopular opinions! Be sure to check back with us soon for more entertaining lists to share with friends. You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss out.